HSK F63 Aggregate with 1 spindle for panel bottom routings.
The aggregate, manually oriented, can perform borings and routings on the panel bottom, close to one edge of the panel; onto an operating unit rotating through 360° by N.C. it can perform borings and routings on the panel bottom, close to the panel edges.
The compatibility between panel dimensions, workings and position of clamping devices should be checked.
Max. working distance between panel edge and tool axis: 120 mm
Max. sum of tool length + panel thickness : 105 mm
Max tool rotation speed: 12.000 rpm
Tool rotation direction: R h
ERC 20 collet for tool connection (it includes a 10 mm collet)
Max. tool shank dia.: 13 mm
It requires the C axis or the flange for the assembly of aggregates.
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